
Free Squirrel PNG (from The Emperor's New Groove)

I'm digging through some super old files from 2003 that I STILL have on my external hard drive. I think I must have clung to these for so long because I put so much effort into them.

This was back in the day before I knew the awesomeness of Photoshop. Paint Shop Pro was my canvas, and I preferred to do everything slowly by hand. At first I would carefully go over all of my images and delete (with the brush tool) what I didn't want. Even when I upgraded to Photoshop, I didn't know about all of the tricks to quickly cut out an image and ended up using the Pen Tool for the longest time.

However, I don't regret doing it! It was fun and I learned how to be very meticulous and precise. And let's not forget patience. :)

So, without further ado, here is a freebie of the squirrel from The Emperor's New Groove for everyone. The cutout is in no way perfect and might look a bit choppy on a dark background.

Please make sure to only use this image for personal use. The image does not belong to me.

To save the file click on the image to expand it, right click on the image, and click 'save image as'.

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