
Using Social Media to Get Found

 Getting started with social media

Just a short post today, and it’s on a subject that’s a little different than what I usually cover. If you do design or art in some form, there’s a site that I’ve been signed up with for years (though only recently had I put some of my professional work on it). DeviantART.com is like an artist’s hub—a place where you can view other people’s art, and where people can find you’re art. I guess you could think of it as a Facebook or social network for artists.

The reason why I mention DeviantART is because just a few days ago I started posting my designs there with a link to my website cherrybloomdesign.com in hopes to reach a wider audience. Not only can my template examples be found there, but I also have them posted on Pinterest, Etsy, and occasionally on Facebook, all of which are great sites to get your work seen by a larger number of eyes.

If you’re into design, these sites are good to at least know a bit about. You’ll get more people seeing your designs, and that’s always a good thing!

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